Impact of waste on the sea

Did you know that...
Marine waste forms an island of 3.4 million km²?
A bottle top has an average life of 300 years in the sea?
1 litre of oil contaminates 1 million litres of water?
10% (approx. 640.000 tonnes) of marine waste is fishing tackle?
The port responds
(Recycling station) Selective collection of oils, filters, contaminated containers and absorbents.
Selective collection of packaging, glass and paper.
Collection of fishing nets for recycling.
Collection of packaging from the sea.
What you can do
Separate everything to recycle as much as possible and reduce waste.
Take special waste to the recycling station.
Minimise the use of non-recyclable and non-reusable products.
Degradation of waste

From 1 to 3 years

Plastic bag
10-20 years

50 years

200 years

450 years

Fishing net
600 years
