Seine fishing

Seine fishing, aka purse seining, is a method used to catch oily fish and is performed at night.
This art consists of placing a tender that shines light onto the water near a fishing boat. The boat then deploys the seine net together with the tender, while the fish attracted by the light swim towards the net. Once the fish have been pursed, the bottom of the net closes in until they are caught, and then the net is hauled in using the boat’s crane.
A tender shines light onto the water.

The boat deploys the seine net.

Fish attracted by the light swim towards the net.

The bottom of the net closes.

The net is hauled in using the boat’s crane.

Did you know that...
Oily fish are migratory species that swim in groups, aka schools? This is why seine vessels set sail in search of these schools.
Seine nets are maroon and measure up to 330 metres long and 60 metres wide?
Regularly, there is a two-month closed season, from mid-December to mid-February, when the purse-seine fleet remains moored in the port to help the fish reproduce.